Dreamt up by sisters, Jane and Jesse Arifien, iamibu is a curated capsule of wear-forever pieces designed for all stages of motherhood defined by everyday and occasional pieces in quality fabrications and considered silhouettes.

The name, I-Am-Ibu (e-boo) is inspired by their Indonesian heritage. Ibu translates to "Mother" in Indonesian. 

Informed by their years in the fashion industry, they developed an understanding of the importance of cultivating a personal style over time, and along their journey of motherhood found themselves seeking dedicated maternity brands that were aligned with their personal style, only to struggle for choice. They began imagining the perfect pieces to feel comfortable in during this precious time as a woman, especially items which could be worn beyond pregnancy. Inspired by their own and other woman's needs, they made it their mission to create a small collection of elevated clothing, incorporating functional design elements essential to this stage, in pieces that are not only considered, but also stylish. The ambition of the brand lies in lasting style, long-lived purpose, and quality clothing for every woman, with a look that is refined and feminine.